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Saturday, May 8, 2010

At a loss logic

Long day. Blogging with a friend from past school days (real long past). Logic. A topic in it's own, even without the recent reasons given by recent local city events. Education. Leadership. Actions. Learning curves. All associated with my recent bout of heartburn. Things we learned before being turned out to rule the world. Morales. Honesty. Responsibility.
Why would a person with multiple 'Masters' employ a manager that only attained a minor education? Failed in past employment charges, due to this lack of training and exhibiting a failure to safeguard his employees and employers from risk. Filling a position that oversees engineers, employees that are trained and educated in skilled disciplines and specific licenced personnel? And then discriminate against the very requested educated employees that the city spent many years changing the requirements of positions to fill? A very simple answer could be 'politics'. If one was a simple person, this answer may suffice. A detailed study may produce an opinion of a more systematic problem America is facing today. One that I take hits upon discussion groups everywhere. Being of an educated world carries responsibilities that the 'common' man does not prat ice. Spending the first third of ones impressionable life in training for the release to the world has it's limitations. Usually in the presentation of one's opinions that a higher education of the elite nature, positions one above and beyond all lesser subjects. We see the results every day. When one acts out their education with less concern for facts.

In days past, we were taught that in order to drive an automobile, one would need to respect the 'right' to drive and observe laws, placed for all our protections. I do not remember the death toll from automobile driving to be nearly ashigh as it it is reported today. MB A's mean that common sense does not necessarily apply. We teach our children of their 'rights' prior to their responsibility. We discriminate to our own means.

Making decisions on half a story in my day was considered lying. Laziness in acquiring the truth is also a dying trend. Breaking laws used to be unforgivable and carried a very stiff penalty. Now, if you don't like a restriction, just ignore it, in time it will become accepted by attrition.

Back to politics. why is it that when one wins an election by a majority of votes, not necessarily more than 50% of the total available votes, one becomes a GOD? One and final opinion?

Strange world we live in.

 I have had the extreme pleasure to meet and be taught by many wondrous teachers. Some even highly educated, but the first to exhibit 'not overly'. The bottom line from an especially brilliant professor in physiology told his class at the beginning of every meeting " COMMON SENSE CANNOT BE TAUGHT HERE", "that, my charges, is totally up to you to learn and apply on your own". That, in my latter years, has stuck out as the most singularly best piece of information that I ever took away from a teacher's efforts. And it gets more true as every day passes in my life.

Not all educators are leaders. Not all leaders are educated. Not all education is useful, unless in the correct environment and person.

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