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Thursday, August 5, 2010


Even highly educated people need to be told  and be recognized when they cannot manage effectively. Especially when they do not have the tools to manage with. Government being the least most controllable personnel management unit due to politics. When one wins an election the assumption that they becomes a 'God' surfaces rather quickly. All good education and common sense seems to follow a path of self indulgence and pride.

I was asked recently what my opinion on the 'New DPS merger and policy' was by a local politician. My answer was of course quick and definitive. "It is a danger to public health and the financial security of our systems". Apparently several of the new temporary (?) managers are in turmoil and the chaos is showing. Tempers are high, confusion is costing the rate and taxpayers even more money and time due to things NOT getting done, due to indecision and inexperience. Stipends are being fought over and the maintenance of the city as a whole is slipping further into disrepair, if that is even possible. The responsibility to observe the results of our daily government falls upon the citizens of Newburyport, and we are failing ourselves in our inaction to direct our city.

I find the recent local topic introduced of questioning reasoning of having the many local Boards and Commissions interesting in the lack of applied laws and regulations. The placement of public oversight in government in question of need to fast track government affairs has been challenged to the point that the public may now be limited to the polls for oversight? Fast tracking by political figures usually comes down to the basic hiring of political opinion rather than proven skills offered in the hiring of specific knowledge. Have we become a one stop, one opinion entity? Where the voters have this vast access to qualified politicians that are experienced in the finer aspects of all public needs and trained in disciplines that assure the proper paths are taken and observed? Protections? Streamlining the public access to government may have other concerns that will limit access to a large population of the taxpayers and ratepayers. Bringing the power of the citizen to opine on politic and mostly undisciplined vote buyers may just be the end of the American way of basic choices and freedoms we own. Observing the path taken by most Americans today, requiring government action in  almost every daily decision, we may be lost to our need to be regulated by our own ignorances.

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