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Thursday, July 29, 2010

And support from the Sewer Commission goes on and on, except the Chair.

I’m really chagrined at all this. A lot of the friction between the Sewer Dept & others in City Hall has been the result of the instructions and marching orders you got from us on the Sewer Commission. That you and Brendan are taking all the heat isn’t right at all. And the ineptitude! Four things come to mind:

· When Charlotte was there, the Treasurer’s Dept lost +$70K in checks that slid behind someone’s desks. We didn’t find out about the missing payments until we started sending out demands and customers had PAID receipts.

· The Plumbing Inspector was signing off on his own work and keeping the permits in his house. We found this out after he installed the grease trap at David’s BACKWARDS, he signed off on his own work, and then David’s failed the FOG test.

· The DEP fine on a now closed plating company, a fine that City Hall missed listing on the bankruptcy declaration so we never got paid.

· The fact that Squillace practically takes all year to sign off on our undesignated fund balances.


Well commissioner all I can say is that under this new management the DPW has control of the Sewer Funds and equipment and EEnterprise Sewer Funds. I predict that the Sewer Ratepayers will be supporting the city in more ways you can imagine when unqualified managers are afraid, or do not know how to say NO!
DPW is funded on the Taxpayers dollars and they just found the Sewer Enterprise piggy bank! From equipment to employees, a free ride on the Sewer Ratepayers from two communities. That is the 'New Training' that has been going on for the past few weeks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Speaking of the 'CHAIR of The SEWER Department

Wasn't there a big article in the daily news that comended him for giving a kidney to his brother? Then he needed one and we hired Tony Furnari, who turns out to be a direct match to the Sewer Chair? A close association between the Sewer Chair, Water Chair and Tony seems worth looking into especially with Frank Cousins in the mix as Tony's brother works for him. X Judges sons........